Jagriti Yatra – New year celebrations on wheels
This new year eve, at the risk of train derailment, in an insane party-on-wheels,almost every non -dancer yatri gave possibly best performance after drinking litres of pure cold water! After about three hours the dancers were found trying to settle down for the coming Year. The moment lights off was announced a silent party set off in few compartments; One could have never imagined people can dance so well without songs. Frankly this mute dance party more engaging than the earlier one. This is all about the New Year night.
The storm in the brainstorming session’s passes away as time goes by. For many in the train the new year morning was more important than the coming ones as this meant a new business and almost the perfect team to start something new. There was one word all over in the air on the train – BGT. BGT stands for Biz Gyan tree, where all the teams have to come up with their business idea along with the team and their roles. Very soon New Year conversations transformed into BGT conversations. To be able to present one idea a yatri has to convince close to 7 to 8 members of his / her team. So this is where interest and knowledge meet. There are few teams who submitted the first form of registering their company in just one hour and many still working on convincing their team mates, theirs is the best idea. None of the tasks at Jagiriti Yatra come without lessons.
During conversations in the train, initially Yatris speak their mind, and towards the end of the conversation it’s the heart that does the talking. Learning’s at JY are never ending. Just that one has to keep an open mind and let this wisdom at Jagriti yatra set their direction for reaching the goals.
Some overheard conversations at Jagriti Yatra,
This was the first new year in India , I didn’t think it would be this crazy.
Here I am working on BGT, people at home are working on their Hangovers.
New year, new friends..Hope this party lasts at least a year now.
People at JY survive using perfumes for amazing food.
At home I never noticed the size of the bed but I feel that it’s bigger than a 6*4 now.