I’m not twenty four – a review
AUTHOR : Sachin Garg
PUBLISHER : Shristi Publishers and Distributors
PRICE : Rs. 100
It’s quite an old book but definitely worth a read!
A girl’s perspective and that too from a guy’s narrative; sarcastic humor and intriguing characters, what a deadly combination! When I first picked up Sachin Garg’s – I’M NOT TWENTY FOUR I’VE BEEN NINETEEN FOR FIVE YEARS” reading the short synopsis on the back cover, I naturally assumed that it would probably end up as a ghisi-pitti love story! In fact, the design on the cover page reminded me of the Cameron Diaz movie “In her shoes” leading me to dread whether it would end up being yet another Confessions of a shop-a-holic, but every time I made an assumption, I was proved wrong!
As I read the first couple of chapters, I seriously contemplated whether to move on or not. With the protagonist Saumya, being a freshly graduated MBA, anxiously awaiting placement; and the entire atmosphere being that of what a fresher goes through, I was initially bored. My curiosity began to pique a few more chapters down the lane, when a couple of male characters (Amit, Mallappa) entered the scenario and there was a tinge of a romance being developed. But later, the entire plot to my utmost astonishment, simply took a U turn! Especially, when the hot hunk – Shubro made his mysterious entry into Saumya’s life.
I’M NOT TWENTY FOUR completely shatters all your pre-conceived notions revolving around MBA and romance, and it simultaneously manages get you hooked! (I cursed everybody who kept disturbing me when I was trying to complete the book) So much so that you are always left guessing as to what next!” The language and the flow of the plot is relatively easy to grasp and very well narrated. The story is tactfully divided into four parts, which depicts the various stages that an individual goes through when faced with challenges beyond one’s capacity; the transition that each character undergoes, is exceptionally over whelming. The meaning of the title supplements the same.
The journey of Saumya being ‘mis’-placed at a very renowned steel company, in a job profile that was not only demanding but emotionally taxing as well; is completely enamoring. There are a series of incidents that demanded your complete attention! I literally had shivers and goose-bumps for a couple of them. Yes, they were that horrendous and detailed; so much so that I could visualize myself at the very place of occurrence!
A couple of interesting observations that I made: One- I kept expecting the climax to be a typical Mills-and-Boons ending (for those of you who don’t know what it is, it is a romantic series genre), but I take back my words and accept that I underestimated the writer’s ability to make you rationalize and ponder over trivial little things in life! Two – I read the book once, and after that I googled the writer; seems like there could be a huge possibility of a few personal experiences, very cautiously and innovatively being woven into the plot (cue: the back-packing ones)
All I will say is that do not ever judge the book by its cover and never make assumptions, always keep an open mind!”
This is the author’s second book after – “A SUNNY SHADY LIFE”. To know more about this book, get your personal copy of I’M NOT TWENTY FOUR and find out for yourself! You will not regret it an ounce!