Upcoming writer shines in the 2012 year
A short story written by frankie eagle, ‘terror’ similar to the movie ‘silent house’ which was released march 9th shined in the literary world. With a similar plot and a gusty, mysterious short story it kept people wondering “what really happened?”. And “was the mystery of a young girl real or fake?”.
With a few views and a couple dark twists Frankie eagle has brought back the life of horror short stories. While the movie ‘silent house’ didn’t have much success, ‘terror’ had alot of success and people are asking what Frankie eagle is going to come out with next?. The most interesting concept of ‘terror’ is an unexpected turn at the end. It’s nothing like the movie but perhaps the short story is better than the story line of the movie. Also while his first two books didn’t sell that great Frankie eagles’s 3rd book ‘no simple direction:poetry book’ has become a local success and has sold more than his first two poetry books. ‘No simple direction’ is about his life and where he was,to who is now also the very thing he is becoming – which is a boy in a fantasy land to a man who has no fear to live his life.
Frankie eagle has risen in the literary world. He is making money. Becoming popular. And is one of the best writer’s yet this year. What is his next story project going to be about?
Can he top his most recent success?. The pressure may seem on him but his mind is straight and he is ready to bring poetry back from the grave and onto something fans hope is legendary.