Youth and the Growing Issues of 21th Century – SAYC 2015
Paris: A series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris on the night of 13 November 2015. The attackers killed 130 people.
Pakistan: Ahmadi place of worship set ablaze in Jhelum, riots erupt after blasphemy allegations.
Turkey: A Russian marine has been killed on a helicopter mission to rescue the crew of a jet downed by Turkey.
Canada: The Canadian government will resettle only 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of this year – less than half the number it promised earlier.
India: Delhi woman kidnapped in Meru cab, gang-raped
We, the youth of 21th Century, are growing up with these negative kinds of International news from all around the world. Every-day, every hour, the negativity is increasing exponentially. We hear news that induce, promote and spread hatred against each other. Christians are questioning Muslims, Muslims are attacking Jews, Blacks are defending their color and refugees are searching for homes. In the last two decades, South Asia has been exposed to various natural catastrophes, political instability, gender inequality and religious extremism. It over the years has grown and acquired a violent and radicalized character. On one side, the negativity is growing, whereas on the other side, there are individuals who are working to make their society a better place, a community with no discrimination and no prejudices.
A young, energetic team of individuals in Sri Lanka are organizing a conference to promote Peace, naming “South Asian Youth Conference” (SAYC). The South Asian Youth Conference is designed to be a catalyst for action. It will have a dynamic program that combines speakers, workshops, intercultural performances, and projects which will provide young participants, coming from every South Asian nation, a life-changing experience that will inspire and empower them. SAYC 2015 aims to bring together the most active young leaders who are changing their communities. Delegates will engage with decision-makers, professionals and each other to explore ways in which they can work more effectively together to achieve shared goals. Continuing with the central idea of Peace, the theme for SAYC year will be Youth, Peace and Prosperity of South Asia. We have to realize that we are living in a global world and every country is being affected by the actions and reactions of other countries. In order to grow as a country, as a nation or as a community, we have to learn from the mistakes of our elders. We, the Youth, should realize our potentials as a community and work for the betterment of the society.
As a participant, I am really looking forward to be a part of the South Asian Youth Conference. I am sure South Asian Youth Conference will equip me to understand the modern techniques and methodologies to address replace and implement efficient policies of the social developmental issues around the world. I am confident that the South Asian Youth Conference will prepare me for professional practical work and various research areas including the South Asia Public policy issues, social justice and international & sustainable development for the promotion of peace. It will enable me with knowledge and analytical skills to critically view the development policies of the World particularly South Asia.
In my opinion, analysis should be based on profound knowledge. Decisions need to be made; actions should be taken to resolve issues. It is with this goal that, after the South Asian Youth Conference, I intend to return to my country to search for culturally-specific solutions. Emotional strength can only motivate us, but our resolution on issues must be guided by reason, by wisdom and well-researched arguments, and arrived at after open critique and rigorous debate. Through the South Asian Youth Conference, I seek the synergistic combination of gaining a grass-roots perspective of where the distinctions lie, and what needs to be done in order to address vital issues of the World. I am looking forward to assimilate modern, progressive, and liberal ideals during this conference.
– as written by Khurram Rasheed