Jagriti Yatra 2013 – Day 2

As Jagriti yatris steered into their second day of the journey, they were exposed to education system of the country, its flaws and merits.

They also opened up to their fellow yatris and shared their unique experiences. The ice breaking exercise called Life line exercise is best known for letting the Yatris to open up and provide themselves an opportunity to share the stories of their lives with others. It is one such exercise, where even the life’s lows become an inspiring turning point and people bravely confront it.

On activities front, beautiful campus of Kalkeri Sangeet Vidyalaya was awaiting the arrival of our Yatris. The 4th standard students made a beautiful banner to welcome them. During their time spent in Dharwad Yatris were with Role Models Mr. Sachin Desai of Samyantak, School without Walls and Mr. Vishnuteerth Agnihotri. Mr Sachin Desai of school without walls, role model of Yatris, mocked the current scenario of education business in India stating “” Our notions on development are strange. Schools are building swimming pools and call it world class infrastructure. It is actually a mockery of the poor, families that are walking 10 kms or more for drinking water. It’s a crime and it must stop”. “School without walls is a result of loss of trust in our education system. Schools are teaching irrelevant data and formulaes that we will never apply, where time tables only bind students not allowing them to choose or challenge. Schools are communes, which must prepare us for real life challenges and not just jobs.”


Jagriti Yatra was also covered in Sanje Vani evening newspaper.

Let’s have a look at Jagriti Yatra on twitter

“All these years the strata of education have been all the same. We emphasize on tests rather than providing the remedies.” –Vishnuteerth

“At Education Initiatives, we focus on the science of learning, how people learn & why do they learn.” -Vishnuteerth #Jagriti Yatra

“Every kid is born with inherent talents within them.” – Adam Woodward #Kalkeri Sangeet Vidyalaya #Jagriti Yatra

“What resulted in Education Initiatives is the idea of ‘Measuring learning'” -Vishnuteerth # Jagriti Yatra

“No ambition, No insecurity.” -Sachin Desai, #SchoolWithoutWalls #JagritiYatra

Kalkeri Sangeet Vidyalaya is all about passion, for music, social change & for providing opportunities to the have nots.” -Adam Woodward

“When students leave Kalkeri Sangeet Vidyalaya, they don’t take the building but what goes inside these buildings.” -Adam Woodward

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