New and lively, gay and solemnly
Concussion in hearts, a new way to show
Hoping to find a road to goodwill,
Bring to mind the thoughts of grey
That is where the two rivers meet, blissfully engrossed in each other
Imminent to meet the ocean
The vastness of the ocean conceals
On the horizon the desires lie
Living in the pain of greed and demise
Born in the debt of faith and fear
Lost in the echo of life and shame
Born to breathe as a part of soil only to brood and toil.
Where there lays talent, it is latent and profound, hope gives its way
Skill drilled, task commenced
Told your purpose, told your path, told your story
You never knew how time flew
The heart leaps for faith and might
That is when the rivers dry
Ocean reaps with the fuel of tears
Silence takes its toll,
The profound silence grows, and moves in and out
Now again want the need of buttress, for hope to again be a bright-star
Grasping freedom, born in new found faith and lost in it.