This might be Heaven!
An overcast evening, a balcony looking over the beach, a warm cup of coffee in your favorite mug, soul stirring music on your iPod.. I guess this might be what heaven feels like. I came across this scenario on the weekend after my exams, One can’t simply ask for a better way to blow off steam.
With nothing but peace on my mind, I started looking forward to the week ahead, something much more promising than the already wonderful evening at hand. Yes, I was about to embark on a one man backpack vacation to the crossroads of the world, the Big Apple, the capital of the world, New York! The mere thought invoked warm feelings from within. The idea of walking down the JFK airport, of hiring the iconic Yellow Taxi, of passing by the Times Square, of going up the Statue of Liberty are all essential elements of the enigma named New York. Arguably the best city on the planet, New York has something to offer to everyone’s palate. Add to that the exuberance of the lonely youthful traveller, NY can only look better.
So with such lovely thoughts brimming on the edge, I put pen to paper and made a list of things to see, Though alone, NY doesn’t let u feel so. Buzzing with life constantly, the Big Apple is surely on the mind of every carefree vagabond. And what NY also offers to the energetic shutterbugs is all the charm they want. From loft skyscrapers to colossal gardens, from scenic sunsets to the joy of the suburbs. NY is truly the world city.
And then, like a bolt from the blue, the alarm clock, showing 05:00 hrs. I wake up, look around, I find half closed books, an empty cup of tea, a few pens lying open, no iPod, no backpack, nothing overcast and definetly nothing to do with NY. And that’s when realisation hit me, it had all been a dream. An ephemeral moment of pleasure. The alarm clock stared back showing 05:02 hrs, as if talking airplane language. I reluctantly pulled off my sheets, walked to the closet, opened my diary and wrote down the following:
“Embark on a one man backpack vacation to the crossroads of the world”
Now with that idea safe and secure, I turned to the herculean task at hand. Laughing at me were my books, and the mysteries that await me in my examinations. If only I could go back to that dream, that one moment of happiness. Some day may be..