Jagriti Yatra 2013 – Day 1
Enterprise can happen when one accepts subjective truth and diversity of India. The point of the Jagriti Yatra is looking at different realities of this country and accepting them.” said Devdatta Patnaik as when he addressed Jagriti Yatris on Day1 – 24th Dec ‘13.
On Day 1, as wheels hit the rails and the Jagriti Yatra train began its journey to awaken 450 young minds to build India through enterprise, Yatris were introduced to their compartment which will be their home for the next 15 days. 40%of Yatris are represented by women and over 55% hail from rural backgrounds. Yatris were introduced to each other on the campus of Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai (TISS).
JagritiYatra flag-off began with Vaishnav Janato. Thereafter Day 1 magic was done by Popatrao Pawar, sarpanch of Hiware Bazar. He has successfully converted a dryland into lush greenary, by managing water reserves in the village. Surely proving local is global; the model of Hiware Bazar is studied by 112 countries.
There was also a show stealer session by Jyoti Mhapsekar, born in a family of freedomfghters, now founder of Stree Mukti Sanghatana, a group that educates and trains rag picker women and organizes them into co-operatives.
Let’s have a look at what Yatris had to tweet about their experience on the 1stday:-
#JagritiYatra shall be the best way to explore India, bringing you out of comfort zone, gifting with inspiring family.” – Ian Kwong, 2013
“Its immensely moving to hear inspiring stories & their endeavor to overcome adversities. Thanks #JagritiYatra ” – Vishnu Vinjam, Yatri’13
” #JagritiYatra is an inspiring & interesting way of bringing together both the rich & not-so -rich, I feel. 🙂 ” – Aarti Devi, Yatri’13
“I thank #JagritiYatra, for this excruciatingly enlightening day, spent, amidst some empowering stories.” – Ankit Pansari, Yatri’13
“Exploring the unexplored, #JagritiYatra, is an exposure to an untapped India.# – Sri Harshith, Yatri’13
“One of its kind, #JagritiYatra has so much to offer to learn from other’s experience, giving life an unique perspective” -Ashwini, Yatri’13
” #JagritiYatra, an overwhelming, enthralling, inspiring, extremely motivating adventure.” ~ Tanya Gupta, Yatri’13