Those Days ……
Every single moment we grow….
We learn, we live ….
Days go by in monotony…
Without any time to ponder over the fact why…
In the first place,
Are we always trying to increase our pace…
At school, at the workplace, at each and every other place….
Never in our lives have we thought why all of us are so hell bound to win life’s race
Gone are the days when people were not fake…
Gone are the days when people used to be helpful
And not so money-oriented…
Gone are the days when relationships truly lasted…
When parents used to care only about their child’s happiness,
And not what the society said….
Gone are the days when students were not “So MARKS-OBSSESSED”…
Such days now seem to be unknown to people…
When friendships weren’t at all profit-based..
They say marriages and couples are made in heaven….
If that was so, why do couples fight over property-possession then?
If a “true-soul” really existed in this world at all…
People would have had a heart and a mind that was pure…
Gone are the days when emotions and passions were encouraged…
Gone are the days when people were not fake…
Is this what we call “love”?
Surely even Shakespeare would have been ashamed of his idea of love
Had he seen the times that have so drastically changed…
Where wealth, status and pride are all that matters…
And the ones who want to live a life, about whom nobody bothers.
In the world of today…
All that we get to hear about is deceit, backstabbing and mind-numbing wars…
Where the ones who were elected to help the people out
Are found to be only filling in their money-jars…
Where ignorance sometimes become the root cause of the loss for humanity..
When people are left to be on their own, dying and trying until they pass out into the infinity…
Where has the true meaning to the word “people” gone?
In this age, are we all trying to prove
What Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru fought for…
Is all completely invalid and wrong?
Sometimes life’s experiences make me wonder…
Are we humans at all?
Gone are those days when people lived a real-life and not one of “give-and-take”
Gone are those days of glory when people were themselves and not fake!